9'0" Lib Tech Pickup Stick B-Grade
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WHOOPSIE - B-grade means there is a cosmetic blem on the board somewhere. This thing still shreds!
Introducing the 9’0” Pickup Stick designed by Mike Olson/Hendo. This beauty is built for speed and performance... fl y through sections, lock into amazing nose rides and playfully wrap through the corners. Parallel rail lines through the body of the board insure trim speed. A fl at wide concave nose carries speed and glides through eff ortlessly long nose rides. A rounded pin tail with a smooth rocker provides eff ortless turning, control and hold through high performance arcs off the tail. The bot-tom contour is part of what really makes this board magic... a forgiving catch-free chine runs along the rails from in-front of the fi ns all the way to the nose where it turns into an uplifting nose bevel. A single concave to double V out the tail adds planing speed and allows the board to easily transition from rail to rail. Sounds tech and it is but, all you need to know is how eff ortless and fun the board feels in a wide variety of small wave conditions.
How does it feel? Great!!! The new 9’0” Pickup Stick is an exciting ride that brings incredible speed and easy fl ow to the longboard waves of all kinds. The section beating speed and ability elevating performance will surprise you and everyone else in the lineup!
Length | Width | Thickness | Volume |
9'0" | 22.8" |
2.9" | 70.4 cl |
NEW! 9” single fin box with two FOCII FCSII™ compatible side fin boxes
Check out other available size options HERE!